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design studios, graphic design studio, web design studio Relationship Models

Working Relationship Models

Project Based Relationship
They are particularly appropriate for one-time development of an solution / application within a clearly defined time-window. An offshore project is considered completed after the application has been accepted and implemented. As your offshore development partner, DimensionI makes available all the resources required for successful completion of your project.

The Extended Development Center
In this case, we have a team working for you in India as a physical extension of your own Information Services department. We select, train and retain highly skilled professionals, replicate your hardware and software infrastructure and effectively manage these resources for an undefined number of projects over an agreed period of time. As a customer, you focus on your business while we undertake full responsibility for the development and deployment of Information Systems solutions, by managing human resources, hardware, software and communication infrastructure, project management, quality assurance etc. These contracts are generally for periods of 1 year and more.

Sub-contracting Partner for Software Services Companies
At DimensionI, we have the people and the infrastructure to deliver quality projects at low costs. In sub-contracting relationships, DimensionI does not usually interact with the user organization unless specifically requested by our partner. Our partner does the business system study and also manages the client relationship; we simply provide the best development support.

Marketing Relationship
Dimension I has tie-ups with marketing companies who provide us customer leads and projects. Our marketing partner receives percentage-based commissions depending on the size and value of business won. DimensionI deals directly with the client after project initiation or via the marketing alliance tieup company depending upon the situation. We strictly adhere to the Non-Disclosure agreements.

Critical Success Factors

  • Unambiguous understanding of customer's expectations
  • Clear communication and collaboration between customer and the DimensionI Offshore team
  • Thorough business process knowledge transfer from customer to DimensionI
  • Reliable and fast data communication links
  • Clear prioritization of requests / tasks by customer
  • Single customer representative to prioritize requests

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